Notes from the road

30th December 2016Touring

Drum Whisperer supremo, Chris Whitten has a light or two under a bushel. One being, it turns out he’s quite the shutterbug. Capturing images from soundchecks, backstage mazes, landscapes through windows and the blur of towns and cities that remind us of just how big, and small, the world is.  

If the room is a-rocking…

1st September 2016Touring

One of the year’s hottest weeks in London saw the band getting together for a pre-tour rehearsal / callous-building / show-refresher session. Amid the nests of cables, coffee cups and instruments we got stuck in to both expanding the show for the upcoming Autumn tour, as well as applying ourselves to the ongoing attention to … Read More

Back to Australia and New Zealand

16th August 2016Touring

Two years ago, an invitation was accepted to assemble a group of musicians to play a show in Australia and New Zealand called, The Dire Straits Experience. As we walked out to the ‘plane in the autumn of 2014, we had no idea as to what an extraordinary welcome awaited us. The overwhelming response to … Read More

The build . . .

16th August 2016Touring

So here we are, one week out from the first day of rehearsals and we can’t wait! This autumn sees the band embarking on its most concentrated run of shows to date. Travelling to both the northern and southern hemisphere, we’ll be taking in 10 countries. We will cover more countries and continents in a … Read More